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Profile of Vitalization International Institute 









Established in 2018, Vitalization International Institute is a think tank development system with the Council as the leadership core. In accordance with the overall strategic goals of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to build an innovative country and the deployment of promoting the revitalization of the real economy through expedited transformation and upgrading, it conducts in-depth researches on major strategic issues such as "deepening reform and opening up, promoting the strategic adjustment of economic structure", and provides high-level research results for China to leverage the new development stage, implement the new development concept and build a new development pattern.

Under the leadership of Professor Li Zhiqi, a renowned strategic researcher, Vitalization International Institute is committed to providing think-tank advice for China's development and an innovative platform for global exchanges. It has established strategic partnerships with central ministries and commissions, departments of provincial and municipal governments, people's organizations and famous public organizations and academic institutions at home and abroad. A large number of outstanding politicians, strategists, scientists, entrepreneurs and social activists have joined the Council in succession. Beijing Zhenghe Think Tank, the Secretariat, the Research Department and other departments and relevant professional committees have been set up under the Council.

Guided by "Global Vision, Chinese Solution", Vitalization International Institute is devoted to developing into a strategic think tank in China. It conducts innovative researches in the fields of public policy, civil diplomacy, strategic communication, government governance, industrial planning, regional economy, rural revitalization and urban development, and has achieved remarkable results in the following areas in particular:

1、Research on strategic issues. We conducts researches on forward-looking, strategic issues of overall importance related to national interests and security in accordance with national development needs, and provides assessments of China's external environment and recommendations on strategic planning, decision-making options and policy design.

2、Research on economic issues. These researches mainly include: research on international and domestic economy, trade, finance and investment; national macroeconomic changes and policy recommendations; continuous research on domestic and international economic trends, major prominent and difficult issues; research on strategic industries such as future industries, digital economy and artificial intelligence; research on government and business environment,government-business relations and government-enterprise cooperation; thematic research on regional economy, smart cities and rural revitalization, etc. 

3、Economic exchange and cooperation. We carry out cooperation with domestic and foreign governments, enterprises, research institutions, universities and domestic and foreign social groups and think-tank organizations; We conduct exchanges on major socio-economic issues, bilateral and multilateral cooperation, international public policies, global governance, etc.; We hold forums, seminars and other activities for domestic and foreign think-tanks, experts and scholars; We provide channels and platforms for economic cooperation and exchange of information, results and experience among domestic and foreign research institutions, enterprises and governments. 

4、Policy consulting services. We provide analysis reports and suggestions for governments to prepare economic and social development plans and study and formulate economic policies; We offer intellectual support for local governments to formulate regional development plans and industry organizations to formulate industrial development plans; We provide information, policy and regulation consulting services for enterprises in strategic planning, top-level design, business decisions, investment and restructuring, communication and exchange between government and enterprises, technological innovation and market development.

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